You’ve landed on this page out of cynicism or curiosity. I get it. One of the first things I always do before I read just about anything is try to figure out who the author is. And depending on what I’m reading, I’ll look for a few possible “versions” of a bio. So, to make it easier on you, I’ll cover the bases.
Academic Basics: I grew up in California, went to undergrad in Chicago (BA, Communications/Bible & Theology, Moody Bible Institute,) Seminary near Boston (MA Theology, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary) and now I find myself in the world of marketing and communications for Christian non-profits. No, I do not represent any of these institutions. My thoughts are my own.
Theological Basics: I hold to an orthodox position of protestant Christianity, which means that if you want to know widely what I believe, you can refer to the Nicene Creed. I believe in Ecumenism and that denominations are what make the Church a beautiful picture of diversity within unity.
Creative Basics: I’ve been a photographer/film maker for 10 years. I’ve been writing as long as I can remember. Sometime you’ll see me running around conferences with a camera. I wrote “Kingdom Come” in 2019 and my latest book, “What Cannot Be Lost” is coming in October.
Lighten-The-Mood Favorites: I love a good set of lyrics, a good book and a good sandwich. Anything that has to do with creativity, sports, fun facts or Theology is a good time for me. I’m also into biblical languages and all the weird things that come with being a Seminary grad, but don’t mistake me for being un-fun. I like to have fun. My version of fun just might be documentaries or visiting all of the NASA space centers before I die. It’s fine.
Elephants in the room: I’m a lady theologian. I’m single. I just turned 33 this year. I’m releasing my second book, which is wild. I keep majors majors and minors minor so don’t scroll around looking for mud-slinging or intense theological rants. Not my lane, thanks.